What to Expect
We gather at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings at 401 Emmett Ave (Directions). We know that going to a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience with many questions. To help ease your visit, here are a few things that will be helpful to know.
Kids Program
We have an excellent kids program with trusted and trained workers where your children can learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate way and in a safe and fun environment. We are open to receiving kids 15 minutes prior to the service. You'll find a volunteer at the check in desk to help you check your kids in. Our Kids' Program during the service is for infants through 5th graders, while middle school and high school student are encouraged to attend the main Sunday service. Visit the Kids Program page for more information.
Worship & Offering
We start our services with worship by singing songs to God. The worship music is current, ranging from modern hymns to gospel songs. Some respond naturally to God's presence by raising hands, kneeling, or clapping. We just want you to worship in a manner that's real; for us at Rock Hills, this means low-key, non-hype, heartfelt responses to the Living God. We also set aside time during our services for those who would like to give to God's church. If you are visiting there is absolutely no obligation to give.
After announcements, one of our pastors will teach from the English Standard Version of the Bible (if you don't own a Bible, we give them away free). Because we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, we teach it as it is rather than teaching our own opinion. We aim to teach the Bible in a way that is clear and understandable to all, regardless of church experience, and also in a way that challenges us to put it into practice.
To finish the service we sing one last worship song. We encourage people to worship, pray, and reflect on the teaching during this time.
After the service
The service lasts for an hour and 15 minutes; we start on time and end on time, so you can make plans for the rest of your day. Please feel free to hang out and meet people who are sitting near you. We would definitely like to meet you!